Russian Spaniel Dog Life and Friends

Not everyone will take the plunge to keep a dog in a flat.
However, there are a lot of dedicated dog lovers who are ready to go to any lengths just to be with their dog.
Here are the facts about famous people and their life with dogs.
Ian Fleming always asserted that he didn’t like dogs, because once he had been seriously bitten by a basset of his father. But in fact there always were two or three dogs around him, especially after he built his own house and called it “Golden Eye.” By the way, a friend of Fleming, Noel Coward, called this house “Golden Eye, Nose and Throat” as the house reminded him of a hospital.
Kennedy wasn’t able to keep dogs because of allergy. A Dachshund puppy, which he bought while traveling in Europe and wanted to present to his girlfriend, made him suffer so much that the dog had to be left in Biarritz. Later Kennedy kept the German Sheppard in the White House.
Picasso kept a Boxer John and a sweet but totally uncontrolled Dalmatian Piero. Picasso’s beloved Dachshund was named Lump. However the main dog for Picasso was Afghan hound named Kazbek. Picasso kept Kazbek in Paris during the Nazi occupation. Read the rest of this entry »
There are hundreds of recognized and several hundreds of unrecognized dog breeds in the world. Because of their too small population some of them are on the verge of extinction and some are just beginning to be bred. Here I would like to suggest you the most unusual and rarest breeds of dogs.
The Pharaoh Hound
The Pharaoh Hound – is the oldest of the existing species. It is a miracle that its appearance has not changed to these days. The ancient Egyptian images of a deified dog – the incarnations of the god Anubis – present us a modern appearance of the Pharaoh Hound. This hunting dog was a constant companion of the pharaohs and nobles thus her images can be found on the sarcophagi and walls pyramids. Pharaoh Hounds have carried their unusual appearance and special mentality through many thousands of years. They are an extremely rare breed. There are no more than 500 dogs of this breed in the world has.
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